Ask The AppraiserDo Appraisers See All Offers Made?It depends on the Realtor. Some Realtors give us copies of all the offers while others only provide the contract that was accepted. If you have multiple offers I would ask your agent to inform the appraiser of all offers received. You should also be aware that having multiple offers in a market with very little inventory does not always equal market value as during times of little to no inventory buyers sometimes get desperate and offer over listing price because they have made several full price offers that were not accepted. The definition of market value from Fannie Mae is;
If the buyer offers above market value they may not be well informed or acting in their best interests. If you were to purchase a home above market value due to a lack of inventory and a month later there are many more homes on the market and you have to sell due to unforeseen circumstances (loss of job, job transfer, etc.) you may not be able to recoup the price you paid for the home. If you have a question for "Ask The Appraiser" send us an email. |