Cost-Effective Ways of Upgrading Your Home Office

Working from home can present a few challenges, so it's important to upgrade your home office to enhance productivity, boost your mood, and motivate you. Creating the perfect hideaway that's attractive and inviting could inspire you to be more efficient. A good place to start is to practice the art of feng shui in your workspace. This ancient practice of creating balance and flow in living spaces should be adopted when you upgrade your workspace.

home office upgrades

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A home's amenities are one of the many factors that influence the value of the property. With a new coat of paint and small adjustments to your office, it can increase the value of your home. When you decide to improve your home workspace, it'll become a more inviting place that'll encourage you to spend more time working in a designated space. Remote workers often end up working from the couch, dining table, and other areas that aren't designated workspaces. Turning your office into a more productive work environment will help with balancing work and home life.

Redoing the area doesn't have to break the bank, however — it just requires some changes to basic design principles, decor, and work tools. There are various ways to create the perfect work area, most of which are fairly budget-friendly.


Get New Furniture

Think about selling or trading your current furniture. Use the money to invest in a few ergonomic pieces, such as an office chair for lumbar support. Standup desks are also an option if you suffer from ongoing back pain, and they can prevent you from falling asleep behind your computer. Standup desks can be quite advanced, with some featuring digital keypads and others electric plug-in points.


Adopt a Less-Is-More Attitude

Decluttering your workspace can benefit your mental health by creating a calmer, stress-free environment. There's freedom in getting rid of physical baggage. Consider donating any items you no longer use and throwing away unusable junk.


Buy Some Plants

Plants look pretty in an office space, and they have a therapeutic effect. Flowers and greenery can help improve your mood and your home's air quality.  


Improve Your Lighting

Poor lighting can cause a host of visual issues. Fatigue, headaches, and eye strain could be caused by not having enough light. You may want to invest in custom lighting for your office space. Most people opt for high-quality ambient and accent lighting. 


Move Your Desk

If your desk is facing a wall, try to place it in front of a window so that you don't feel like you're trapped in a cubicle. Alternatively, if you get distracted easily, then place your desk adjacent to the window. The view of the outdoors and natural light creates a tranquil atmosphere.


Open Windows

It's vital that you have good ventilation throughout your home office and house. A healthy dose of fresh air circulating through the room can increase your body's oxygen levels, and connecting with nature in this way can strengthen the immune system. Opening your windows and blinds will also let the natural sunlight in. 

Upgrading your home office doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With the tips above, you’ll be able to create a workspace that maximizes your productivity and focus.


Guest post written by Paul Denskin, owner of